Monday, 29 October 2012

Blog 10

Blog #10!

ObservationWays to explain division to students in simple form

 Reflection: Last week in math class I was introduced to the idea that division is essentially separating a given number into equal parts. This can be said a couple different ways. Either 15 divided by 3 can be said as either, "separate 15 into 3 equal parts" or, "how many times does 3 goes into 15".  We demonstrated this by using the chocolate chip cookie idea on the board. Although I thought I already knew how to explain this concept, Professor Antosz explained a new way for us to teach children how to divide. This way, although very different from the way I was taught when I was in grade school, it is a lot more useful for teaching young kids who are learning how to divide for the first time.


Reflection on Reflection: Personally, I believe I will make all efforts to adapt to this new way Professor Antosz showed us on how to divide when I am able to teach my own classroom division. It is difficult for children to understand division the way we were raised learning how to divide (example, by carrying 1's etc.) This is difficult to teach and essentially more difficult for the child to grasp. However, this is an alternative way to teach division should the child not understand the first way. It is nice to collect different ways to teach a topic in math so that all children find what is best for them to grasp the concept. This new way of division for me, I believe, will get a positive reaction from students and allow them to learn better. For example, let’s use the example, how many times does 6 goes into 875. A child who is first learning division in a primary classroom, might initially start by using small numbers and continue going up, as in the following illustration:

However, like adults, children are lazy by nature as well, and soon they will figure it out for themselves to immediately start with a large number, for example:

Although it will take some time to teach myself this new concept in order to be able to explain it to my students, I believe it will be effective and ultimately help them learn to the best of their abilities, which is the main goal. I never thought I would have this much difficulty grasping grade school math at an adult age, however, I am quickly learning how difficult it actually is. Taking math again after so many years is allowing me to learn new concepts and preparing me even more for placement. 

1 comment:

  1. Think about why it is difficult for adults to learn new things or new ways to do things. We already know how to do something, we are basically lazy (for lack of a better word) and our minds don't really want to learn new things. When something better comes along we don't necessarily grasp it. Consider the phenomena of adults versus children using technology. How often do you see a 5 year old outperform their grandparents on a computer, iPad or smart phone.
